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15. "Keep Up Or Get Left Behind" & Why The Building Industry Needs To Change

Here's a glimpse at what you'll learn from us in this episode:

  • What the collapse of the supply chain means for the housing crisis.

  • How Three Squared is contributing to the available housing stock.

  • The need for innovative developers.

  • The benefits of working with other like-minded design firms.

  • Breck's project highlight of the week: The Mariposa House!

>>> Ask us about your project here. To learn more about Houm and modular construction be sure to check out these supplementary episodes: 1. Innovative Solutions For Affordable Housing with Scott Shall 2. Modular Misconceptions & Three Squared's "Best Of Both Worlds" Effect

"We think there is opportunity to do better and be part of a better solution."

-Leslie Horn, CEO of Three Squared Inc.,

Show Notes:

  • 0:32 - Introduction to episode 15.

  • 1:37 - Breck's project highlight of the week: The Mariposa House!

  • 4:47 - The conversation surrounding the international housing crisis and the supply chain.

  • 7:22 - How we contribute to the available housing stock.

  • 9:27 - The future of opportunity and innovation through container modification.

  • 12:50 - The demand for innovative developers.

  • 16:00 - How small solutions can add up for big cost savings.

  • 16:57 - Why now more than ever "keep up or get left behind" applies to the construction world.

  • 18:05 - The benefits of working with other design and architecture firms.

  • 20:47 - The building industry is at it's breaking point.

  • 23:20 - The way we build houses has to change, because the world is changing.

  • 28:11 - We want to build strong relationships with like minded developers.

  • 31:09 - Concluding thoughts for episode 15.

Make sure to check out these prior episodes we referenced:

1) Innovative Solutions for Affordable Housing with Scott Shall

2) Modular Misconceptions & Three Squared's "Best Of Both Worlds" Effect

Are you, or do you know a general contractor who is interested in innovative projects? Reach out to us here if you'd like to lean more about our process!

Have a vison in mind and ready to get started? Contact us here so we can put you in touch with the right member of our team.

© 2024 by Three Squared, Inc. 

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