15. "Keep Up Or Get Left Behind" & Why The Building Industry Needs To Change

Here's a glimpse at what you'll learn from us in this episode:
What the collapse of the supply chain means for the housing crisis.
How Three Squared is contributing to the available housing stock.
The need for innovative developers.
The benefits of working with other like-minded design firms.
Breck's project highlight of the week: The Mariposa House!
>>> Ask us about your project here. To learn more about Houm and modular construction be sure to check out these supplementary episodes: 1. Innovative Solutions For Affordable Housing with Scott Shall 2. Modular Misconceptions & Three Squared's "Best Of Both Worlds" Effect

"We think there is opportunity to do better and be part of a better solution."
-Leslie Horn, CEO of Three Squared Inc.,
Show Notes:
0:32 - Introduction to episode 15.
1:37 - Breck's project highlight of the week: The Mariposa House!
4:47 - The conversation surrounding the international housing crisis and the supply chain.
7:22 - How we contribute to the available housing stock.
9:27 - The future of opportunity and innovation through container modification.
12:50 - The demand for innovative developers.
16:00 - How small solutions can add up for big cost savings.
16:57 - Why now more than ever "keep up or get left behind" applies to the construction world.
18:05 - The benefits of working with other design and architecture firms.
20:47 - The building industry is at it's breaking point.
23:20 - The way we build houses has to change, because the world is changing.
28:11 - We want to build strong relationships with like minded developers.
31:09 - Concluding thoughts for episode 15.
Make sure to check out these prior episodes we referenced:
1) Innovative Solutions for Affordable Housing with Scott Shall
2) Modular Misconceptions & Three Squared's "Best Of Both Worlds" Effect
Are you, or do you know a general contractor who is interested in innovative projects? Reach out to us here info@threesquaredinc.com if you'd like to lean more about our process!
Have a vison in mind and ready to get started? Contact us here so we can put you in touch with the right member of our team.