73. Revitalizing Detroit: A Developer’s Guide

Here's a glimpse of what you'll learn:
A brief dive into Detroit's history and current resurgence.
The importance of a city's master plan.
Community is everything to getting developments approved.
What Detroit offers that other cities don't.
Why the midwest is such a unique place to build.

"Make sure you are in alignment with the city’s master plan."
-Leslie Horn (CEO of Three Squared, Inc.)
Show Notes:
0:30 - Introduction to episode 73.
0:56 - Project highlight of the week: The city of Detroit.
2:44 - Why did Leslie choose to start a business in Detroit and not somewhere else?
6:13 - How the planning department can determine the success of your development.
8:40 - Why was 2010 a changing moment for Detroit?
10:00 - Current and future opportunity in Detroit for real estate.
12:50 - How to create anchors for communities.
14:20 - How developers set the stage for Detroit.
15:18 - Don’t develop until you know your area.
19:55 - Working with the community and local firms to get developments built.
23:00 - Being respectful of the communities you are building in.
28:17 - You're a developer not from Detroit? Why you need a local firm to get your development going.
28:42 - What makes the midwest unique for building.
31:57 - Why a basement might not be the best choice for infill lots.
33:10 - Creating housing solutions in the city.
35:33 - As a developer you need to meet a city where it’s at.
38:50 - How to combat gentrification as a developer.
39:20 - Concluding thoughts for episode 73.