64. Redefining Modular Buildings with Guardian Structural Technologies

Here's a glimpse of what you'll learn:
Who is Guardian Structural
What are the benefits of building with Guardian Panels
Structural versatility and scalability
Who could benefit from building with this material
How Guardian Structural meets Passive House certification

"I'll not pay more than $75.00 a month to heat my home in the dead of winter."
-Breck Crandell (Director of Design TSI)
Show Notes:
Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify
0:30 - Introduction to episode 64 and Guardian Steel.
1:40 - Project Highlight of the Week: Wilberforce University Dormitories.
3:38 - How did Three Squared and Guardian Steel connect?
6:00 - Overview of Guardian Steel.
9:20 - What are the panels made of and why are they a good innovative building option?
12:50 - The difference between guardian panels and traditional SIPS.
17:00 - Changing the way we think about cost to build.
21:28 - When was the first guardian building built?
22:40 - Structural versatility of guardian panels.
27:41 - Customizing finishes of a guardian building.
30:00 - Process of building a guardian building.
33:11 - What is the scalability of guardian panels?
35:00 - Shifting away from shipping containers.
39:40 - Meeting Passive House Institute certification.
43:30 - Cost savings in heating and cooling.
45:27: Concluding thoughts for episode 64.
To learn more about Guardian Structural and the work they are doing head to their website.
Supplementary episodes:Phius House with Kat Klingenberg
Reimaging Multifamily Housing with Susan King of HED
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