49. Architecture: The Ever- Changing Profession

Here's a glimpse of what you'll learn in today's Episode:
The historical and contemporary role of the architect.
How AutoCAD changed the industry.
Why architecture is not necessarily an artistic role anymore.
What architects responsible for.
Breck's Project Highlight of the Week: Nipote's

“Buildings of today are the product of an army.”
-Breck Crandell (Director of Design)
Show notes:
0:30 - Introduction to Episode 49.
2:33 - Breck’s Project Highlight of the Week: Nipote’s.
6:00 - How has the architecture profession changed over the years.
9:53 - How AutoCAD changed the industry.
13:49 - Evolution of drawing sets over time.
17:31 - Story time about visiting a Frank Lloyd Wright Building.
19:18 - What are architects responsible for today?
22:16 - The truth about design build firms.
24:00 - Story of Nipote’s roof and how designs change during building.
30:31 - Building a strong relationship between architects and builders.
32:10 - Our litigious society its implications
35:50 - Concluding thoughts for Episode 49.