08. What's Up With The Supply Chain... And Has It Affected Cargo Architecture?

Here's a glimpse at what you'll learn from us in this episode:
What's up with the supply chain?
Have container costs have been affected by the recent supply chain challenges?
Debunking the myth that shipping containers cost more.
How we implement our core value of "being a good steward" in our design process.
...Is it cheaper to build what you want rather than buy it?
Breck's Project Highlight of The Week: The Bella House!
Find the full show notes from today's episode here.

“Half of the questions we get are 'Can we still get containers?'... and the absolute answer is yes.”
-Leslie Horn (CEO of Three Squared, Inc.)
Show Notes:
0:28 - Introduction into Episode 8.
2:17 - Breck's project highlight of the week: The Bella House!
4:24 - Leslie gives insight into the recent shake up of the shipping industry.
5:44 - Why the "how much is this going to cost me?" question is challenging to answer.
7:26 - Determining factors for your budget.
8:32 - Where do containers come from?
8:42 - Three primary manufacturers of shipping containers.
9:10- What are shipping containers used for?
9:41 - Significance of the last 18 months.
10:49 - How container costs have been affected by the current supply chain situation.
12:50 - Debunking the myth that shipping containers cost more.
13:35 - The benefits of Cargo Architecture go beyond money.
15:03 - Hard costs vs. soft costs.
18:57 - What you need to know about the bank draw system.
20:05 - How do we help clients balance design and budget?
21:35 - Setting realistic expectations from the beginning, and the importance of consistency.
23:56 - You have to do your research about realistic costs of development in your area.
28:58 - Considering your desired level of finishings early on in the process will drive your project.
29:57 - It is still cheaper to build what you want rather than buy it.
31:04 - How we implement our core value of "being a good steward."
32:01 - Conclusion of Episode 8.
Have any question or want to start your own project? Contact us here!