55. So You Want To Build Your Own Home

Here's a glimpse of what you'll learn:
How to plan out your budget
What to look for when buying land
Difference between construction costs and architectural fees
Breck's project highlight of the week: Royal Home
Learn more about Runkle consulting here: www.runkleconsulting.com
Supplementary episodes:Container Home FAQ: Structural Engineering with Bill Runkle

“If you are building your house, you are considered a developer.”
-Leslie Horn (CEO of Three Squared, Inc.)
Show Notes:
0:30 Introduction to episode 55.
1:50 - Project Highlight of the week: Royal Houm.
6:37 - Introduction to first time home builder GW Runkle.
7:59 - How to start planning your budget.
13:18 - What to look for when buying land.
18:00 - Importance of having cash on hand for pre-development costs.
19:38 - How to find the cost of construction per sf for your project.
25:27 - Resources and next steps.
28:20 - Our 3 step design and building process.
30:44 - How builders and architects work together through the owner.
33:16 - Be cautious of buying other peoples plans online.
36:00 - Concluding thoughts for episode 55.